Advanced Forms

March 2019 State


  • Recap: Template Driven & Reactive Forms
  • Custom Form Controls
  • Nested Forms
    • with Form Group Directive
    • with Control Value Accessor

Template Driven & Reactive Forms

Template Driven Forms

Template as the source of truth
  • Normally simple forms such as email or sign up form
  • They are asynchronous
  • Two way data binding
  • Testing is more difficult
  • They don't scale well
  • Use if the forms and forms logic in your app are simple

Template Driven Forms


  selector: "app-login",
  template: `
` }) export class LoginComponent { email = ''; @ViewChild('form') form: FormGroup; submit(value) { console.log(value); } }

Template Driven Forms

Reactive Forms

The form model as the source of truth
  • More scalable, reusable and testable
  • They are synchronous
  • Immutable

Reactive Forms


  selector: "app-login",
  template: `
` }) export class LoginComponent implements OnInit { loginForm: FormGroup; ngOnInit() { this.loginForm = new FormGroup({ email: new FormControl() }); } submit() { console.log(this.loginForm.value); } }

Reactive Forms

Template Driven vs. Reactive Forms

Template Driven Reactive
Form model HTML template Defined in a component
Data model Unstructured Structured
Predictability Asynchronous Synchronous
Form validation Directives Functions
Mutability Mutable Immutable

Custom Form Control

With Control Value Accessor
CVA - is an interface that acts as a bridge between the Angular forms API and a native element in the DOM.
It propagates changes from the model to the view and from the view to the model

Control Value Accessor

Control Value Accessor


// is the method that writes a new value from the form model
// into the view or (if needed) DOM property
writeValue(obj: any)
// is a method that registers a handler that should be called
// when something in the view has changed
registerOnChange(fn: any)
// it registers a handler specifically for when a control receives
// a touch event
registerOnTouched(fn: any)

Control Value Accessor

Implementation steps
  • Implement ControlValueAccessor interface and implement its methods
  • Register ControlValueAccessor (in a Component)

providers: [
      provide: NG_VALUE_ACCESSOR,
      useExisting: forwardRef(() => CustomComponent),
      multi: true

Control Value Accessor

Exercise (1/5)
  1. Pull or fork a repository from here
  2. Get a master state
  3. First of all we need to extend our book model:
    • Create a genre.ts interface with following fields: id, name, icon
    • Add new endpoint in server.ts (GET /api/genres)
    • Add genres.json with 4 genres, e.g.: {"id": 1, "name": "IT", "icon": "favorite"}

Control Value Accessor

Exercise (2/5)
    • Add to isBook method (server.ts) an extra check if genre is defined
    • Add book-genres.service (ng g s book-genres) and implement a method getGenres() which returns a json with genres
    • Add BookGenresResolver and implement the resolve method

Control Value Accessor

Exercise (3/5)
    • Create a custom control component with a select box (ng g c customized-select-box)
    • Define customized select box template - the list should consist of icon and genre
      • Use mat-form-field
      • Use mat-select fot the list
      • Use mat-select-trigger to define how and what should be displayed in the list
      • Use mat-option
      • Documentation can be found here
    • Add BookGenresResolver and implement the resolve method

Control Value Accessor

Exercise (4/5)
    • Implement ControlValueAccessor
    • To get MatSelect, use a @ViewChild: @ViewChild(MatSelect) matSelect: MatSelect;
    • Add field: propagateChange (val: any) => {}
    • Add genres (list) and placeholder as Inputs

Control Value Accessor

Exercise (5/5)
  1. Implement following methods: writeValue and registerOnChange
    • You need to add (selectionChange) event to mat-select, implement this method in a component and select the option from the list and trigger propagateOnChange
    • You need to register CVA
  2. Don't forget to register new services and components in the modules

Nested Forms

With Form Group Directive
Control Container looks in the tree for any of these directives (looks for a parent):
  • ngForm
  • FormGroupDirective
  • NgModelGroup
  • FormGroupName
  • FormArrayName

With Form Group Directive


viewProviders: [
    { provide: ControlContainer, useExisting: FormGroupDirective }
ViewProviders instead of providers: providers cannot reach up the parent (if the structure is complex)

With Form Group Directive

Pros & cons
  • Pro: quicker to set up
  • Con: limited to one forms module

With Form Group Directive

Exercise (1/3)
  1. Create an order module (ng g m order)
  2. Create order-overview component (ng g c order-overview)
    • This is the parent form - add [formGroup] directive
    • Add apply and cancel buttons
    • On apply show the form (rawValue) in the console
    • Form can be submitted only if it's valid (add a flag submitted)

With Form Group Directive

Exercise (2/3)
  1. Add general-info component (ng g c general-info)
    • Add formGroupName (to the div in the template)
    • Add 2 matInputs: with first and last name
    • Define viewProviders ( provide: ControlContainer, useExisting: FormGroupDirective })
    • Inject parent in the constructor (this.form = parent)

With Form Group Directive

Exercise (3/3)
  1. Build the form structure in the general-info component
    • Use addControl (this.form.form.addControl)
    • Add first and lastName controls
    • Add required validators for each field
    • Add mat-error to the template
    • Don't forget all needed imports in the order.module

Nested Forms

With Control Value Accessor
  • Pro: Reusable & portable
  • Pro: Best practise (Google)
  • Pro: Supports many nested levels
  • Cons: Implement interface
  • Cons: Problems with mat-error in Angular Material (if there is no form, only a control)

With Control Value Accessor

For Re-validation, the validators will need to be on the top-level form, not at the child component, if you want it to be part of the parent form’s validation.

With Control Value Accessor

Exercise (1/4)
  1. Add address component (ng g c address)
    • Implement Control Value Accessor
    • Define form in the template [formGroup]="form"
    • Add following fields (as MatInputs): street, zipCode, city
    • All the fields are required - add validators and mat-error

With Control Value Accessor

Exercise (2/4)
  1. Implement CVA methods:
    • Define form in the template [formGroup]="form"
    • In writeValue use setValue and set emitEvent as false (good for the performance)
    • Use valueChanges (from form) to subscribe on changes in the registerOnChange method
    • All the fields are required - add validators and mat-error

With Control Value Accessor

Exercise (3/4)
  1. Implement Validator in providers
       provide: NG_VALIDATORS,
       useExisting: forwardRef(() => AddressComponent),
       multi: true
  3. Implement validate method

With Control Value Accessor

Exercise (3/4)
  1. We need to know in the child if parent was submitted (parent has the submit button)
    • Define in child @Input() isParentSubmitted
    • Implement OnChanges interface
    • We need a workaround in Angular Material to trigger a validation on submit (bug in Angular Material)

   Object.keys(this.form.controls).forEach(key => {

With Control Value Accessor

Exercise (4/4)
  1. Set an Input in parent (order-overview) [isParentSubmitted]="submitted"
    • Define in child @Input() isParentSubmitted
    • Add address as FormControl in parent